Sunday, October 13, 2019

Truck coming together!

Got some paint on it! I did not do the top of the cab and the doors because I am now starting on the power windows and auto locks for the doors. I will be chasing the doors around on saw horses so no need to scratch them up.

 The 49 Plymouth Bumpers  chrome was shot and with all the butchering I did  Paint was the best way to finish it off,Besides I am a cheap skate and chrome these day is Nuts in price!

 Made the sun visor from a beat up stock 49 hood and made a leading edge folded over and spot weld every 1 1/2 inch  like stock Ford. The holes are my idea.
 47 car hood ornament from Roger and a 47  small V8  that Pete gave me. Thanks guys! The Truch hood has the same curve as the car and with the truck holes filled in I like it.

 The sun visor is just about done and to avoid scratching the cab top when I was fitting it I left it in primer. Now will use nutserts and crown head straight "slot"  5/16 screws in the cab and it will look like the Factory did it! But with the crowd I run with they will know it is bogus! But some might think it is a factory option. I do not like the big ugly attach brackets on the rain gutters.

Not sure what the doors will have lettered but they will one  or the other of these.

Bit of a rake but not much different from stock.
I am not a real fan of super low,more or less like this.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Normandy Beach Race France

Great looking spectators! 
Keep your head down  near this one!
Stole these off the Web! Thanks to who sent them.
Normandy France. Next to the Belgium Border.

 We spent some time there this Spring but never got to the site,close but no cigar! We went to Bayeux to see the Tapestry instead. But want to return and spend more time there.

 Lots of ferrys from The UK dock there and Cherbourg is not far to drive. It is so neat that there are more sand races happening!

Monday, July 22, 2019

More Camping.

We are getting a lot of use out of this, And to think I was planning on selling it?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Camping at the Legislature In Victoria

Can you believe! Here we are at Deuce day and get the Primo camping spot behind the Provincial Parliament buildings  in Victoria.
Thank You Premier John!!

Deuce Day Victoria 2019

Here is a very High end Car. Roadster,Ardun.Scott.Halibrand 201 QC. Lincoln Brakes,you name it !

Lovely 32 Touring! Dropped Heavy axle, Old original interior,small block Chev, So Nice!

Someting about a Centerdoor that does catch the eye!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Canada Day in Victoria

We had a Great time today.
As the day moved on we had hundreds of people stopping and asking questions.
First question. "Can you sleep in here?"
 Answer "Yes it is eight feet long"
Or  "MY Grandfather had one of these"

 Well my Grand Kids will also be able to say that as We will take them camping this summer.