Sunday, October 13, 2019

Truck coming together!

Got some paint on it! I did not do the top of the cab and the doors because I am now starting on the power windows and auto locks for the doors. I will be chasing the doors around on saw horses so no need to scratch them up.

 The 49 Plymouth Bumpers  chrome was shot and with all the butchering I did  Paint was the best way to finish it off,Besides I am a cheap skate and chrome these day is Nuts in price!

 Made the sun visor from a beat up stock 49 hood and made a leading edge folded over and spot weld every 1 1/2 inch  like stock Ford. The holes are my idea.
 47 car hood ornament from Roger and a 47  small V8  that Pete gave me. Thanks guys! The Truch hood has the same curve as the car and with the truck holes filled in I like it.

 The sun visor is just about done and to avoid scratching the cab top when I was fitting it I left it in primer. Now will use nutserts and crown head straight "slot"  5/16 screws in the cab and it will look like the Factory did it! But with the crowd I run with they will know it is bogus! But some might think it is a factory option. I do not like the big ugly attach brackets on the rain gutters.

Not sure what the doors will have lettered but they will one  or the other of these.

Bit of a rake but not much different from stock.
I am not a real fan of super low,more or less like this.